Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A Calmer Mind: Using Hypnosis to Tackle Overwhelm and Anxiety

Overwhelm and Invalidation; a painful pair

We live in such an anxiety driven society don't we? The amount of items to tend to every day seems at times never ending. We can all identify the various subjects and topics that can bring about a state of overwhelm with a variety of symptoms as a result. Often clients who come in to address stress cycles will tell a similar story. Though different in its details, the common denominators are indeed apparent.

Add the fact that often people feel that they can't even mention the depth of their experience with peers because someone will have a story about how it is worse for them or remind you of a group of people in a 3rd world country and their tribulations. Going as far as justifying the reasons why you should be quite grateful for the life you are living.  In a quick swoop with merely a few words and phrases you are left feeling invalidated leaving you drawing unhelpful conclusions about your abilities, worth, choices and life all together perpetuating the stress cycle even further. Before you know it you find yourself in a downward spiral that seems too strong to fight against. The thoughts and feelings about the thoughts and feelings swipe you up in an overpowering current.

 As a matter of fact, when listening to clients, they often blame themselves for not being able to keep up; "It must be me", "I wish I were stronger" and the self blaming statements come in many different tones and phrases across all ages, gender, education levels etc.

I am hoping to bring some comforting words and insights to facilitate a doable focus towards extremely effective solutions. We know from clinical research that when we logically understand something, a shift can indeed occur and remain in place. In the very least allow me to open the door to it, you can decide whether you walk through it or not. 

Say it like it is

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The truth is we all have different thresholds to any given subject in life. Due to the individual experiences we've had, we all relate differently to any topic, ranging from sleep to food, romance, finances, friendships, work, smells, sounds and tasks to be completed. Just to name a few.

For example: if you have grown up in an environment where loud conversations meant for you to be quiet, someone might loose their temper, you will simply respond differently to such situations at a later point in life. Your threshold is set based on your past encounters. If having heard repeated negative statements, whether they are true or not, they find their way into your mind and become a part of that which you belief, another threshold is created. This is true for everything, the amount of money you'll make, the partner you'll end up with etc. We could indeed say that every single subject is a trigger and has an innate response within each person as much as it is your point of attraction. These are quite simply the thresholds each and every single one of us have been calibrated to. They vary significantly between one person to another. Even siblings' thresholds can vary tremendously. The same parents, the same household but a different perception. Age plays a part in it. You don't experience things the same at age 5 compared to age 10 for example. This is accurate throughout a lifetime.

Adding into the mix the growing number of single individuals doing it all by themselves. People will often exclaim 'It's a lot' and they would be right. In more recent years, even the media has come up with catchy terms to calculate and factor in what is being referred to as a 'singles tax' and the heavy burdens being carried by those trying to stay afloat financially, emotionally, psychologically and physically.  Regardless of relationship status; all of this can easily and understandably lead to anyone feeling overwhelmed and the cycle of stress can be so hard to break. We are not typically taught how to recognize such pattern let alone been given the means to break it. The expression: can't see the forest through the trees is very applicable here. 

Signs and Symptoms

Fact is, in today's world, most of us are so used to operating on higher stress levels that we don't even know we're habitually running on cortisol and adrenaline. Even though stress in acute situations such as a job interview, packing for a move etc are quite acceptable and normal. It is the chronic stress that becomes the threshold that needs attention and care. Once something is calibrated in the mind, it is in fact 'your normal'. Doesn't mean it's healthy or supportive, it's just what you've been accustomed to.

There are a multitude of ways to determine whether or not stress mode is activated longer than it should and time to get some help:

- Sound and/or light sensitivity

- Digestive issues

- Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or both

- Increase in sugar cravings or frequently hungry

- Difficulty focusing and/or remembering info. Reading the same paragraph over and over again and used to be able to read without effort

- No energy when waking up even after enough hours of sleep were had

- Augmented experience of emotions such as impatience, anger, sadness, intolerance

- Zoning out for extended periods of time in front of screens

- Fatigue easier than before

- Feeling like you can take full deep breaths anymore

- Tension in muscles that doesn't go away

The above are just of a few to be on the lookout for.  A person would not have to experience all of them to conclude a stress response is having them in a firm headlock. It is important to pay attention to any of these symptoms especially when they are occuring over multiple weeks.

There is a way out

A stressful response that is activated within should be able to be self regulated. The mind and body have the capacity to facilitate this by default or a person can use coping skills and tools. The issue occurs when either none of this happens or these skills are absent. It is a recipe for disaster. The overwhelm keeps building and creates in effect a momentum until it simply is an everyday occurrence. In this mindframe the smallest something can push someone into feeling like " I just can't take it anymore". So much can become frustrating and annoying in this state whether someone closing a door too sudden or a crowd or  a friend take too long to get to the point of their story, etc... 
hypnosis sessions sherman oaks

The trick is to pull out of this experience by activating what is called the 'parasympathetic nervous system'. When in overwhelm, anxiety and stress you are in fact experiencing an activation of the sympathetic nervous system, commonly called fight-flight-freeze or survival mode. When the mind doesn't get out of this mode, the overwhelm can indeed becoming overwhelming. The train has left the station and there is no stopping it.

I conduct sessions EVERY day assisting people in deactivating survival mode. It is such a common occurrence as a hypnotherapist. The easy part is getting someone out of that anxious momentum. Hypnosis by default is a part of the parasympathetic nervous system. Just inducing the hypnotic state in someone, stops fight-flight-freeze and brings immediate relief. This is felt quite tangibly. Clients have described it in many different ways; a mind vacation, 8 hrs of sleep in 20 minutes, a massage, breathing better

The therapeutic part is, ensuring someone doesn't default back to that sympathetic nervous system with any of the identified triggers. These triggers are of course different for every person and discussed prior to the actual hypnotic portion of a hypnotherapy session. Let's remember that we all have different thresholds. As an experienced professional, I know what to look and listen for. Asking the right questions is a helpful tool in any part of life, including in my private practice.

A wide variety of hypnotic techniques can be chosen from to ensure a person walks away with a different threshold to previously stress inducing situations. Coping skills are subconsciously implemented for conscious benefit. There is nothing more annoying than to be in an anxious cycle having to make a logical conscious effort. It's just too much to do. 

The beauty of the subconscious mind is that it is a structure of neurons that fire automatically once wired together. It makes things so much easier. This is in fact how we can build resiliency and strength within. In other words we recalibrate old thresholds to 'settings' that are aligned with the way you'd like to react and respond to life. An inner upgrade if you will.

A calm mind truly doesn't have to take a huge amount of work and time. There is a shortcut... Now you know...

Hypnosis sessions can be conducted in person at my hypnotherapy office in Sherman Oaks, CA or can be experienced out of the comfort of your home via Zoom. They are equally effective and possible.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Breaking the Taboo of Vaginismus with Hypnosis

Transforming Pain into Pleasure

In addressing a topic often shrouded in silence, it is time I shed light on vaginismus - a common experience among women that remains largely unspoken, even with medical professionals, partners and practitioners. Despite its prevalence, the term may be unfamiliar to many.

Recent studies (1.) have uncovered a wide-ranging occurence of vaginismus, affecting 7% to 68% of the female population globally, varying by country. These statistics, while illuminating, underscore the pervasive shame and guilt associated with the condition, hindering women from seeking the help they need. It is crucial to note that these figures only represent reported clinical cases, indicating a more significant issue than percentages suggest.

What is Vaginismus?

It is a common health condition easily recognizable; Vaginismus causes involuntary muscle spasms in the vagina during intercourse, gynaecological exams, insertion of tampons or other types of vaginal penetration. The pelvic floor tightens to prevent any entry of any kind or in the very least make it extremely difficult. A physical barrier is in essence created.

It is in fact a subconscious triggering of an anatomical muscular system to protect. The muscles tighten making sex painful and uncomfortable. In session, women have shared their partners describing it as hitting a wall that can not be bypassed or so tight it feels like sandpaper. In addition this is because lubrication is happening behind that tight wall of muscular tissue and can not get out as much as barely anything can get in.

The repeated pattern that tends to occur in the above described situations can then lead to anticipatory anxiety and trigger an even stronger response from within. Women may grapple with feelings of brokenness, fears, doubts, diminished confidence and sense of self, or a belief they can't enjoy intimacy ever, contributing to a feeling of helplessness.

It is certainly understandable why woman with the condition may feel isolated and hesitant since it is not openly discussed, even amongst female friends. It is not difficult to accept the reservation a person would have in reference to sharing about this with someone, anyone, even a professional.

Why Some Do and Some Don't

What makes it so that some women experience painful intercourse and others are just fine? 

Allow me to first make very clear I am no medical doctor or licensed professional. I am, however a hypnotherapist experienced in recognizing and helping women overcome vaginismus. I am blessed to collaborate with medical experts and pelvic floor therapists.

As a proven expert in the field of hypnosis, allow me to indicate that vaginismus is in fact a subconscious mechanism. Subconscious means automatic or neurological. It is an involuntary reaction of the body. It is fear at work. The fear is in fact a learned behavior that somehow crept into one's mind. It is the result of something, as picked up through the senses, and the mind neurologically wired to it. Whether it happened just once but with intense emotion surrounding it or multiple times and/or both. This has to do with how the brain learns which you can find more in depth info on in some of my other blog entries.

It is essential to recognize the causes to painful intercourse are diverse as I'll list just a few that are including but absolutely not limited to:

- Sexual Trauma of any kind

- Surgery

- An OB or Dr. that was a bit too quick, too rough etc during exams

- Religious beliefs around sex before marriage or sex as a sin all together

- Parental influences

- Being with a partner who wants children and you don't

The list can go on more but I think you understand the way in which the mind associates experiences and stories with penetration or the pelvic region as a whole. 

It is important to recognize that the brain's function is not to make us happy... It is to keep us safe... Safe from what?  Well that depends on the kind of life you have had so far. In this instance, physical intimacy is deemed unsafe to those whose body rejects penetration. This to ensure you don't put yourself in such a situation again whether directly related to some of the possible causes mentioned above or slightly different. 

Vaginismus is a learned reaction that is subconscious in nature. It worth repeating!

A secret problem with a known solution

I have seen in my private practice many individuals who had the courage to seek medical expertise and somehow the diagnosis of vaginismus is missed. It truly surprises me how many times I have had to explain exactly what is happening and how common it is. Many of my female clients with vaginismus find relief just in understanding what it is that happens to them in those most intimate of moments.

Luckily it doesn't have to end there. There are indeed multiple ways to overcome this condition and let it become a part of the past. 

Female clients are time and again pleasantly surprised by the results that can be obtained in around 3 sessions or so. 

The power of your mind, particularly your subconscious mind, plays a pivotal role. It is a powerful engine working behind the scenes, triggering reactions in your body (and much more). This is quite literally what the science of placebo has taught us. Placebo doesn't mean it's not real, it proves and underscores the mind's capability, showing that mental processes can be as influential as medication and surgery.

So then the solution lies in the problem...in your subconscious mind; Guiding it to relaxation during intimacy with another consenting human adult instead of tightening. It involves reaffirming safety and security in such situations. Emphasizing the right to enjoy sexual intercourse with other consenting adults as a part of connection and freedom.

To feel safe and relaxed in those circumstances where previously vaginismus was wreaking havoc is the ultimate aim in therapeutic hypnosis. We can absolutely teach both your mind and body to cooperate in facilitating such a wanted change for women.

The enhance the therapeutic journey, I advocate a comprehensive approach, acknowledging that the use of dilators at various sizes and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists can complement the process and vice versa. Working a size up at your level of improved comfort. Whether individually or synergistically, these methods contribute to a holistic solution.

Many women after just a few sessions express increased ease, confidence, happiness in their relationship, and optimism for future partnerships. The weight is lifted, a door to happiness opens and a life fully embraced.

Should you be one of the woman silently suffering, wondering and questioning, you are invited to reach out. In a safe space, we converse with respect, understanding and know-how.

Yasmine Verberckt, Cht.


Pithavadian R, Chalmers J, Dune T. The experiences of women seeking help for vaginismus and its impact on their sense of self: An integrative review. Women’s Health. 2023;19. doi:10.1177/17455057231199383

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Hypnosis - The natural lullaby

As a hypnotherapist as far as I am concerned, quality sleep is the one of the most important factors in our lives. Yes, we need our tummies filled and love and a roof over our head in a safe space and all that absolutely. If you have the ability to read this via internet chances are you have some of those basic needs covered and can still have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or both! It can make life miserable can't it? 

 have had several instances in my life where sleep just wasn't great to say the least and I felt horrible for days (and nights). Foggy, couldn't focus, I get grumpy, go for the wrong foods looking for that jolt of energy to kick in somehow... all to no avail. No matter how tired I was, I still couldn't sleep properly and every night frustration would grow. You see I grew up in a small town where everything is quiet and dark at night. A place where you can literally hear the sound of silence! It is pure bliss. Problem is, I don't live in that small town anymore. At night there is the light of street lamps, car headlights that can peer through, people are driving by or walking around or waking up extremely early on days where I want to sleep a little longer, you know, like normal people. Those leaf blowers that start a little too early? Oh so aggravating when sleep has been lacking am I right?

There are so many ways in which sleep can be disrupted. From environment but also from within... that's the rub! A simple Google search can point out in detail all of the reasons why insomnia is such a big deal. It affects our brains, our hormones, our bodies, the way we communicate and eat, the things we can no longer get done, etc.

Hypnosis is such an effective tool in restoring deep continuous sleep and the falling asleep process. There are many different and logical ways in which I can explain this. I will do my best to be thorough however should you be left with questions, just ask! 

Perhaps the best place to start is by pointing out that hypnosis in itself is a state. Very much like being awake is a state and being asleep is a state. Hypnosis and sleep have that in common; they are both natural states of being. These states were a part of you from the day you were born. Nobody had to teach you how to fall asleep, you just did. 

States of mind can literally be measured. If we hooked your brain up to appropriate equipment we can measure the brainwaves that are emitted. These brainwaves are recognized and quantified in frequency. There are names attributed to these frequencies. For example sleep is referred to as Delta. Being awake is either Alfa or Beta depending on your level of focus and activity. Hypnosis is Theta

Do you want to hear the best part: to experience Delta state you MUST pass by a Theta state first. In other words you must go through hypnosis to be able to reach that full sleep state. That is the natural process!  The same is true the other way around, to wake up, every person passes through that same Theta aka hypnotic state. It is not a question of belief it is just a matter of that's how it is...for everyone!

Hypnosis is in fact a natural lullaby. It prepares the mind for sleep. We know that we can induce the hypnotic state, I have made it my business, in the same way that we can induce a being awake state (setting an alarm, cup of coffee, shower etc) States can be created. Now that opens up a lot of possibilities does it not?

Regardless of how sleep disruption and insomnia were caused, it can be undone and that natural lullaby can sing it's sweet inner song once more. A subconscious rocking you into dreamland. The causes of sleep issues will differ from person to person. From "I have always been a bad sleeper" to having a lot on your mind (overwhelm, stress, anxiety) to perhaps a not so healthy or no sleep routine, a baby, a puppy, nightmares, trauma, a snoring partner, even food intake can play a part, and the list goes on...

Our mind is always busy associating items. If the mind somehow associates sleep as unsafe or a certain time as a productive time or every sound is deemed as an emergency... sleep will be lacking. Your mind is a VERY powerful thing. The
beauty is that it can work for you and with you by associating that natural lullaby state to the right time of night. In effect reteaching your mind (and body) to unwind into that deep restorative kind of sleep. I feel like taking a nap right now just talking about it!

As with everything, experience is the best evidence. If sleep isn't what it is supposed to be and affects your daily life, I am here to let you know; hypnotherapy can be of help, period.

Yasmine Verberckt is a certified hypnotherapist and Reiki Practitioner with an office in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles. Sessions are either in-person or via Zoom. She can be contacted at hope@happyinhypnosis.com or via www.happyinhypnosis.com

Monday, December 14, 2020

Your mind with hypnosis; an inner coach to weight loss

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is one of the better known applications of hypnosis. It is right up there with hypnosis to quit smoking. I believe that to be the case because these are topics people tend to talk about more openly. There always seems to be someone who has heard of someone who knows someone having used hypnosis to assist them shedding excess weight. Of course more and more celebs talking about their journeys is quite impactful and useful as well. 

Even though it is one of the better known applications of hypnosis, as a practitioner it can be one of the more challenging ones, though quite doable and well worth it. A hypnotic journey to get rid of some pounds can be expected to be a step by step journey. In contrast to cigarettes where we can go to quit entirely fairly quickly, we still need to eat several times a day. We can not consider ourselves a foodaholic and never eat again. There are so many different facets to food and our relationship towards it. It is not JUST about the act of eating as most of you already know. 

And that's just it isn't it? We all KNOW what to do to become slimmer and fitter. Eat healthier foods, maybe more appropriate portions, drink water, more movement, no late night snacking, better sleep, and do all of this consistently enough for the body to adjust and shed some weight... The majority of adults have committed to such a goal at least once in their lifetime. For many it seems like it IS a lifetime. Time and time again starting over. Why can't we just make a decision, stick to it and reap the rewards continuously?

Well we have to go within and consider all the mechanisms that are linked to every single component of losing weight. Some of these components go aaalllll the way back to childhood Phrases such as; "Finish everything on your plate there are children without food" or "you'll always be big" and any variation thereof. On other occasions it is about comfort; a loved one offering a cookie or an ice cream or so to help soothe the harder days and moments in life. For others no healthy food was available. At times unhealthier habits become formed during college years or during extremely stressful times in ones life. For others it was about having overcome difficulty and when times are better, food becomes a way of showing success and celebrating better times. Or even as way to be unseen, or ya just love fried foods. These are just a few examples of causes. They are numerous and different for every single person. Therefore hypnotherapy sessions are tailored to each individual. It is a must for a successful outcome.

Have you ever had that moment where you're eating and you know it is probably better to stop or eat something different and while you're thinking about it you just keep going? That is subconscious behavior! It is automatic. If it happens automatically, it is subconscious. Our minds hold on to what is known. That includes a certain number on the scale. Ever notice how when you lose weight easily and quickly somehow something happens and you find yourself right back to where you started or 'plateau' at a certain number? That is your subconscious mind protecting you by making sure everything stays the same. That initial number on the scale is what it is trying to protect (amongst other things). You see by keeping things the same, IS how the mind keeps you safe. It is why we want change but then again, we don't reeeeaaaalllyyy like it do we?

That is exactly why hypnosis, a tool to reach your subconscious mind, is beneficial on a weight management journey. We go behind the scenes, create images and thoughts around your goal weight or size. We assist the deeper mind in accepting the reasons why and what kind of behaviors are better for you. Reframe some of that possible childhood conditioning. Once the subconscious mind has accepted and processed these positive suggestions and ideas, a different behavior, thought pattern, feeling towards food is established. Let's admit it, food is like that friend that you can lean on when things get a bit a rough. It makes you feel a bit better...for a little while... In hypnotherapy we shift your relationship to food and provide you with different coping mechanisms to what once were triggers to go for another snack, an extra portion or just the wrong foods all together. In this way the mind pushes your actions towards what has now been accepted within, automatically. It doesn't mean you won't have to do anything different. It just means your mind will allow you and work with you. It is a world of a difference!

You won't just be told 'NO stop eating that'. That would be pointless. Most of us have tried that approach and well... here we are. Tools, explanation, suggestions, recordings etc. are a part of what you can expect during your hypnotherapy sessions. Of course the best way to really find out about hypnosis and weight loss...is to find out by yourself...

What do you have to lose? a bit of weight? Ha! Exactly!

Yasmine Verberckt is a certified hypnotherapist and Reiki Practitioner with an office in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles. Sessions are either in-person or via Zoom. She can be contacted at hope@happyinhypnosis.com or via www.happyinhypnosis.com

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hypnosis to quit smoking

Even though for many there is still a lot of mystery around hypnosis, you may have heard or know of somebody that has used hypnotherapy to quit smoking. What is it that hypnosis does, that makes it such an efficient tool to leave this nasty habit in the past?  Let's start by looking into the top 5 reasons why people start smoking in the first place.  In my experience, I have found clients sharing the following:

  1. Peer pressure (an estimated 90% of smokers)
  2. Parents were smokers
  3.  Rebellion
  4. Curiosity
  5. Stress, anxiety, major life event (later in life)

I'm sure you can agree that when we are born, we are all non-smokers. We aren't born with a desire for nicotine and have cravings for cigarettes.  So that means that at one point in time, we had to learn what cigarettes are and we had to learn how to smoke. We had to practice at becoming a smoker, it didn't come natural to us; and for many that first cigarette was extremely unpleasant.  When talking to my clients, they typically share that they remember the awful taste, the coughing, the burning feeling in the lungs, the smell on their hands, clothes and so on. They rarely can point out any positive memory of that first attempt at smoking.

In other words, the body and the mind is doing everything it can to communicate with you that it is not a desirable thing.  The mind and body is literally trying to reject the substances, the odor, the taste and the whole notion of cigarettes in the first place.  It is only by mere repetition and your insisting with your conscious mind, that after a certain amount of attempts it starts to get a little less awful.  After a while the other most powerful part of your mind, the subconscious part, starts to recognize this thing called smoking and starts to accept the positive rewards it gives you. If I smoke I have more friends, I am invited to parties, to play, I look cool, they accept me, etc. etc. etc.

From that moment on, the subconscious mind, which drives your automatic behavior, starts to 'push' you to continue being a smoker.  It has now become a learned behavior that has been accepted as a positive thing. See your mind doesn't care whether or not it affects your health, your wallet, the way you smell, the tar on fingers and teeth, the possibly having to hide from parents or partners, ... As far as your mind is concerned; smoking now means you are successful, therefore it is a good thing. Successful in being accepted, successful in making and keeping friends, ...  As you continue to be a smoker for years and years on end, the reasons for smoking evolve, just like we, as an individual evolve as time goes by. Cigarettes have now worked their way into so many area's of your life, they give you a reason to step away at work, they have become a friend, give you relief when stressed, go together with coffee or food, ... I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.

SO if we learned how to smoke, using the power of our mind; isn't is then logical that we can also unlearn how to smoke and learn something else instead?  Yes, using the exact same method, reaching your subconscious mind, the part that drives your behavior by using hypnosis! Isn't it great to know that we are capable of making changes for the better by using something that came built-in.  I am looking forward to assisting you in using the power of YOUR mind to feel better, cope better, live better. Happy In Hypnosis; Happy in Life!

Yasmine Verberckt is a certified hypnotherapist with offices in the SF valley and Los Angeles in addition to offering sessions via video chat.  She specializes in anxiety relief, smoking cessation, fears and phobia's among other topics.  She can be contacted at hope@happyinhypnosis.com or watch her video's at www.happyinhypnosis.com

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hypnotherapy and anxiety: Hypnosis to attack the panic!

Sadly anxiety has become the number one Mental Health issue in North America.  It is estimated that one third of the American adult population experiences anxiety in their life - National Institute of Mental Health. To put this in perspective: these numbers are similar to the obesity statistics of 2011-2012.  So what is anxiety really, why has it become such a big issue and more importantly what can be done about it?

We all experience anxiety in our lives at one point or another. Occasional anxiety is quite acceptable and a normal part of life.  We may be anxious when interviewing for a job, while awaiting test results, when in a life threatening situation or having to make an important decision.  

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease typically about an event in the past or the future.  Feelings and the degree of worry can vary quite a bit depending on the individual can't they?  I am sure you can think of at least one person in your life that is overwhelmed, stressed out, nervous or shall we say anxious?  On the other hand very likely you also know of a different kind of person, you know the one I am referring to; the one that seems to handle it all, juggling a career, school, kids, ... and is just a ball of life and energy no matter what happens.  How can that be? They both have eyes, a nose, lungs, a heart and a mind.
AAAHHH the mind.  Even though the anatomy is similar, the way it is used may be different.  We are on to something here, can you sense it? 

Most of us have this notion that the mind can be divided into the conscious and subconscious part.  Most of us are also aware that the subconscious part is the biggest engine of the two.  The one that drives your behavior,thoughts and therefore feelings.  Compare it to your computer's programming.  This program of yours has a very simple yet effective mechanism in place.  We use different words for it, some of them may be familiar, they all are referring to the same: the fight-flight response, sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system or our basic instinct for survival.  

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What does this have to do with anxiety? 
Thank you for asking, we are getting to the nitty gritty here.  

Play a game with me

What happens to your body and your emotions when you find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable, makes you nervous or let's go big: life threatening.  Perhaps a speech you're about to give, the boss called you in her/his office, the doctor really wanted to speak with you, a partner that couldn't talk to you on the phone but had to see you in person? 

- sweaty palms                                                             - panic
- queasy stomach                                                       - expecting the worst
- heart starts beating faster                                    - feeling worried
- breathing shifts                                                         - muscle tension
- worse case scenario's seem to always win     - feeling drained 
- ....

Let's keep playing; what are some of the symptoms associated with anxiety?  What are some of the bodily reactions when we feel threatened or in danger?  YES!! similar to the above.  This means we can conclude that non life threatening situations are also activating our basic instinct for survival.  See our mind doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy.  Movies aren't real, they are a projection of images, yet we respond to them with our emotions, we laugh, cry, get scared or if it's a bad movie we may yawn. The movies we decide to play in our head, based on a past or future event, trigger the same program.  WOW! so it IS all about the mind.

Now what?

So when do we need to step in?  When the same bodily reactions get triggered on a daily or weekly basis by situations that are just a part of everyday life and not an occasional situation or life threatening emergency... or when these moments become debilitating, preventing you from moving forward; I would conclude it is time to take action.  

We are living in a society that has us run too much software at the same time, literally!  Smart phones from dusk till dawn, news, videos, more people living close together than ever before, more cars, more traffic, more pressure, more and more things we need to know just to keep up with everything and everybody around us. BUT we are still relying on the same basic programming to deal with this excess of information. We sleep less, absorb more, or at least try to, and we forget to reset our computer once in a while to ensure it keeps running efficiently and easily.  We can not allow it to overheat you see.  

A simple way to change these behaviors, to increase your tolerance to stress and to get to a better feeling place is hypnosis. In my hypnotherapy practice and experience with clients it has become apparent that hypnosis is a very effective tool to reset that computer of yours.  To access your programming and run a few updates.  

When was the last time you updated your smart phone?  Chances are somewhere within the past year.  When was the last time you updated your subconscious mind?  In hypnosis we can adjust your subconscious programming to only trigger the fight-flight response how it was intended and not on a daily or weekly basis.  Hypnosis in itself is a reset button to your computer and allows it a break, to cool down and restart better than ever before.  

In my sessions for anxiety relief I also provide tools, software if you will, that can be accessed during the conscious state and provide a calm, focused and efficient state.  Who doesn't want more of that in their life?  Independence is truly just a decision away.  Which button are you going to hit?  

Yasmine Verberckt is a certified hypnotherapist with offices in Los Angeles in addition to offering skype sessions.  She specializes in anxiety relief, smoking cessation, fears and phobia's among other topics.  She can be contacted at hope@happyinhypnosis.com or via www.happyinhypnosis.com

Monday, March 2, 2015

Trichotillomania and Hypnosis: Taking control

Trichotillomania, often referred to as hair-pulling, is best described as an uncontrollable urge to pull out and twist hair until it breaks off.  You may think so what?  All of us at one point in time play with our hair or twist it and may even pull some out.  Well imagine these urges being recurrent, uncontrollable and suffer from them for decades on end.  The repetitive pulling of hair from the scalp, eyebrows or other area's leaves people with broken, thin hair or bald spots.  In some cases the pulled hair is swallowed by the individual and causes obstruction in the digestive system and must be removed surgically.

It is estimated that a whopping 5% of the American population is affected by this emotionally painful impulse. To put this statistic in perspective: 5% of the WORLD population is American, 1.8% of the American population is Jewish.  Needles to say we all may know somebody suffering from trichotillomania and may not even know it!

Compulsive hair-pulling is often associated with feelings of shame, guilt and isolation.  It is often difficult for people not suffering from this condition to understand why somebody just can't control the pulling.  Let me shed a little light by comparing it with different situations we may have an easier time understanding.  Have you ever known somebody that was a smoker, truly wanted to quit but just couldn't stop no matter what they tried?  Have you ever been in a situation where the food was so delicious and appetizing and even though you were no longer hungry you just couldn't stop yourself from eating a bit more?  Now why is that?  Food, cigarettes, alcohol, and many other experiences provide us with something.  That something can vary: gratification, filling a void, covering up emotional pain, a sense of relief, keeping us busy, a sense of satisfaction and so much more.  Well simply put so does hair-pulling in the case of people suffering from trichotillomania.  

Why some do and some don't

Recent studies have shown that in some instances genetic factors may be at play.  I would add that it is a matter of what we are suggestible to.  In other words for someone to have a problem, they must be suggestible to it.  I will illustrate with an example.  A Boeing 747 carries over 500 people flying from one destination to another.  During their flight the passengers experience some turbulence.  Some of these 500 people sleep right through it, some look up and go about their business and some may feel fearful.  On the flight back most people have forgotten about the turbulence experienced on the first flight however there are a handful of people that have now developed a fear of flying.  Why? Simply because they are suggestible to it.

This is why hypnosis and hypnotherapy are so effective, since all that hypnosis is, is a heightened state of suggestibility allowing us to alter and replace the response to old triggers.  Simply put; the triggers are the same yet the response is different.  Where in the past boredom, stress, anxiety, mistrust, ... may have resulted in hair-pulling, after the necessary hypnotic sessions these triggers now result in a more desirable outcome such as calmness, breathing, relaxation among other possibilities.

The most important message I would like to share is that trichotillomania CAN be overcome.  Taking control of what was once uncontrollable is not a myth...it is reality!